The Navy MWR Digital Library provides online resources for Navy families, Sailors, retirees, and civilians for recreation, professional development, and academic support. To get started, login with CAC or register for a DS Logon account.
August 31 @ 8:30 am CT: Learn how to get started in your family history research, including using the library's Ancestry and Fold3 databases.
Join the DoD Virtual or a local Summer Reading Program
Stream and download 15 million+ songs from over 200 genres for free. Instantly access songs, albums, playlists, music videos and audiobooks.
Step-by-step guidance to help you create and grow a business or non-profit
Build technology and business skills with learning paths, live online courses, interactive learning, and collections of content selected by experts—or solve a problem quickly through books and videos.
近伋物理所ADS强流质子超导直线加速器样机研制取得进展 ...:2021-12-1 · 加速器驱动次临界洁净核能系统(Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System-ADS),由强流质子加速器、高功率散裂靶和次临界反应堆构成。 作为 ADS 装置的三大子系统之一,射频超导直线加速器实现平均流强大于 1mA 的高功率束流稳定运行,一直是国际加速器领域的挑战。
Thousands of audiobooks and ebooks for all ages, including Great Courses and CNO Professional Reading titles
More than 100 popular magazines, including The Economist and National Geographic
The Navy MWR Digital Library provides online resources for Navy families, Sailors, retirees, and civilians for recreation, professional development, and academic support. To get started, login with CAC or register for a DS Logon account.